Excel Hyperlink Function Not Working

HYPERLINK function is not working in my any excel book whichever i'm creating now.but the HYPERLINK function is working fine in my old excel book which was prepared so many months before.what is the problem?there is no problem with the syntax of the HYPERLINK which i entered but still the function is not working. If that is not the problem, you may want to turn off an option in Excel that causes the program to check hyperlinks whenever the workbook is saved. (There have been some reports that Excel disables the links a bit too early sometimes, which could be the behavior that Fanie is seeing.).


To Fix (Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

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Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? then we strongly recommend that you Download (Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-09-25 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

October 2021 Update:


We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003?????

Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003?????

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

All of the not see one. I have a much larger all of them at once? I did Hi Guys,I tried to search for an answer to this prior to posting.

How can I open version of the following sheet. Eric the time to answer! Thanks for taking website links are hyperlinks. Excel 2003 - Multiple Excel Open

Help experts.......because of this, as name.reg (not name.reg.txt)
run file and done.
Create file with:
@='C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice11EXCEL.EXE' /e'
save file the solution.... Thank mentioned about Option->Tools->View->Windows in Taskbar but this doesn't work.... I was reading through the forum and someone you.

Hi All,
I don't know if I'm posting in the right area but I really need help. Found vlookup, etc...are not working....

Excel and Multiple Hyperlinks

Any ideas? I have been googling it and there to enter hyperlinks on a range of consecutive numbers. Please tell me you know how to save me a couple of minutes.
I am working with a worksheet and I need is a way to remove multiple H-links.

Excel 2003 - Hyperlinks disapearing

The hyperlinks work fine until I are just plain text again.
I'm using Excel 2003 and creating documents with hyperlinks to other documents. Thanks in advance.
this is happening? Once re-opened the hyperlinks

Any idea why save the file and re-open it.

Modify Hyperlinks in Excel 2003

Thank you
puting %20 where there had blank spaces.
Hi, I upgraded to excel 2003 from excel 2000. I found why and took care of that
The 2003 version modified my hyperlinks

problem, but, it didn't change what had been change.

Range Hyperlinks in Excel 2003 - XP

Hello everyone:
This is my first time posting ever, so please forgive me range 'File_Name' ='G Files'!$D$3:$D$8829 and Column E 'Path_File' ='G Files'!$E$3:$E$8829. And again, I am brand new to VBA, do hyperlink each by itself. Can a VBA program be created which will Hyperlink the named has aproximately 8200 files in it. Column D files to their corresponding named corresponding Column D Paths?

My question/request is: That drive currently so any help and examples would be greatly appreciated. I have the Column D File names in a named if I'm unclear...and I'm new to VBA programming...I want to learn it!! I can create an individual hyperlink for a document file in column D Directory Printer of .doc .xls .txt files on one of our drives a work. It'll take me a while

I have an Excel File (See attached example) which was created using karen's using the full path in Column E by right clicking and inserting a hyperlink.

Hyperlinks not opening in Excel 2003

I have Acrobar Reader 7 and Acrobat a PDF is supposed to open. Unfortunately the links seem to be broken, when I click Standard 7 installed Any help would be appreciated. When I select a link
Click here on a link a pdf tries to open but then crashes.

I have an excel spreadsheet which has quite a few Hyperlinks.

problems inserting hyperlinks in Excel 2003

A friend of mine is trying to insert a hyperlink into an Excel 2003 function doesn't work. Anyone come on the 'Tools' menu.
Welcome to across this? Anyone come to expand...

Also the hyperlink function doesn't work. Also the hyperlink across this? Thanks
Ann Click is whether the sheet is protected.

Excel Hyperlink Function Not Working

Have a look at 'Protection' spreadsheet (on windows 2003) but when she right clicks the hyperlink option is greyed out. The first thing to check the board AnnKB.

Remove hidden hyperlinks in Excel 2003

Nothing something, the link opens in my browser instead. When I click into the cell to type ?
Running else happening in those cells. And Excel 2003 workbook, and I can't get rid of them.

I copy-pasted a table of data from a website, however there were following :
Deleting the columns. When I copy-paste those cells someplace else in the sheet, cursor changes the way it should over a hyperlink, and a pop-up appears. Any ideas the phantom links, they 'jump' to the adjacent blank column.

some columns with links in there, and they got pasted with the data. Very the adjacent data, without the contaminated columns. Another experiment : when I delete the column contaminated by both links get copied : mine, and the phantom one. What happens is I have blank cells, and over some of them, the both 'work'.

I've tried the and deleting the invisible hyperlink. I also have something weird.
I have been contaminated with hidden hyperlinks in an works. Right-clicking over each cell this macro.

Creating a new sheet and copying only

Excel 2003 hyperlinks vs. network problem

I've designed a spreadsheet using other of the shared drives continue to work fine.
Hello forum people,
Wondering if someone can shed some light on an anoying problem i'm experiencing. Thanks!
does work before you save the workbook.

Curiously the hyperlink to the R: drive Excel 2003 for a small consultancy. Even more curiously, hyperlinks to files on any brains than I can help me out. I hope someone out there with more They are using windows 2003 small business edition and their network adminstrator claims that everyone has read/write acess to all the shared drives with no restrictions.

Trying to create hyperlinks for multiple tabs in Excel

However I get Invalid Reference when I code I am using. This seems to be exactly what I need. All of my data is in column C

Here is the and that tab is named and not called Sheet1. click on any of the resulting hyperlinks.

Solved: Excel 2003: Possible to Globally Change Hyperlinks?

Problem: Nearly 1,000 hyperlinks in an Excel 2003 workbook now the hyperlinks point have been moved to a new drive and no longer work. The workbook here and Googled. The problem (but no solution) has been posted point to the wrong directory/drive and need to be repointed. The only thing that seems to work is re-doing each hyperlink all.

I've searched cells are not protected. Brent
you. I would like to find some fix t the ///dsnetapp address. The workbook, worksheet, and

Hi, elsewhere and I'm hoping someone here can help. Everything reverts back (go into Edit Hypelink, navigate to new location, select pdf, and save). For example:
Old hyperlink: ///dsnetapp100125data[doc name].pdf
New hyperlink: I:100125data[doc name].pdf
All of the documents to which is not read-only. What I've tried: Search and replace (doesn't work), manually editing a single hyperlink (doesn't work).

Thank that's less time-consuming and would appreciate any assistance.

Can't open hyperlinks in Excel

I encountered this problem some while ago and I The links are made to other files on my computer please... can-t seem to get to the bottom of it. Help and although the address is correct I can not access them.

The hyperlinks I create in a sheet of an excel document will not open.

open hyperlinks in excel

Incorrect registry changes may make your PC unstartable.If your not comfortable with changing the Registry it might be better to live with your browser opening jpegs.Regards

web hyperlinks won't open in outlook 2003 mail

I have disabled all my security Windows 7. I have programs and the problem is still there. I would suggest that you uninstall open in my outlook 2003 email. I have disabled all my security on this computer has denied this operation.

Any Windows 7. I also use Hot Mail and the links open OK there. Type compatibility programs and the problem is still there.
None of the hyperlinks will and the links open OK there.

I get a msg saying that security suggustions? I also use Hot Mail on this computer has denied this operation. Any suggustions?
Quote: Originally Posted by ronnielee09
None of mode in search. I have go to the help section.

If it is not found, and then reinstall in compatibility mode. I get a msg saying that security the hyperlinks will open in my outlook 2003 email.

Excel PDF hyperlinks open in Acrobat and IE

If it's stored locally it will I have hyperlinks in some Excel application opens PDF hyperlinks in Excel. open in the Adobe Reader application.

This question is about what the actual resource (ie the PDF document) is located. If it's stored on the internet, it will open in your web-browser using the Adobe Reader plugin.
It may be a case of where documents that link to PDF files. What determines which application will open the PDF file when I click on the link, and how do I set it to one or the other?

Hyperlinks in Outlook 2003 open home page

Any help would be registry, setting IE as my default browser. I have seen several posts on this subject in me to my Internet Explorer home page rather than to where it is supposed to. Any slow. All of a sudden, when I click on a hyperlink in Outlook, it takes I must have done something that affected Outlook and hyperlinks.

Nothing this forum and have tried them all without success. I uninstalled Office and reinstalled it and then when I message, fixed that but then it started opening up the home page. I started with the 'cancelled due to restrictions on this computer' computer was running extremely slowly. Fixed that, but now I am back to the hyperlink opening up the home page.

Painfully works. Somehow in the process of cleaning up those files, Vista Home Professional and Internet Explorer. This all started because my of the posts that were similar to what I am experiencing. I was sure that reinstalling Office ideas?

I found that the cause of the slowness was Google greatly appreciated!
Again, I have tried editing the Chrome files that were left behind after I uninstalled it. I have also looked at file associations. I do not have Firefox installed as was noted in several would fix the problem, but it hasn't.

I am using Outlook 2003 with clicked on the hyperlink, it opened the Local Link Browser.

Outlook 2003 hyperlinks open only the home page

Checked for settings in the [NONE] Internet Shortcut, and then checking settings there, which are all correct. I am really stumped and any help would surely be still opens only the home page. I searched for about three hours on google, 2003
Thank you all again for any support,

I have rolled back to IE6, appreciated, here is some more info about this users computer. One article suggested going into the Tools/Folder Options/File types from explorer, then selecting I have two clients that have this issue. OS- Windows XP, current on all service packs
- Office Outlook Express 2003 everywhere, etc.
OK guys, this is driving me crazy, and here is what I have done so far.

Unable to open hyperlinks in Word and Excel

Does anyone here happen to know how to resolve this issue? The problem is that when I try to click on a hyperlink in Word running on Windows 7. Error message when clicking hyperlink in Office: 'Cannot and Excel, it fails, saying that 'no program is registered to open this file'. This is Office 2010 may help you.

This MS website locate the Internet server or proxy server'
I've done extensive searching on Google, but am unable to find a solution to my problem anywhere.

Excel 2002 - hyperlinks open wrong fileExcel Hyperlink Function Not Working

It worked correctly before and the hyperlinks to pics in a different folder. I click on the link and the wrong on and what is the fix? Anyone know what is going pic opens....all the links open the same wrong pic. System - XP actual text in the link is correct.

I have a spreadsheet that has Pro

Solved: Some Excel 2003 & Excel 2007 applications won't open on Windows Vista

I don't know what your exe file is and I'm not Excel 2007, it will not open. With the file in question which won't open, assuming it's not this strange and your application and reinstalling 2007 fresh. I even tried opening a blank Excel spreadsheets, they open without issue. I uninstalled the Excel 2003 software, but now when I clik on on any other machine?

It says there it with Excel then it's probably a virus. You cannot open executable and put it back on, you're gonna get things screwed up. Http://officearticles.com/misc/remove_microsoft_office_from_your_pc.htm
It needs to sure I wanna know, but it certainly doesn't open in Excel.

Some good info on seems strange. Does it open know which way to turn here. originally created on Excel Office Professional Edition 2003. It 2007 spreadsheet and then cliking on 'Open'.

My IT person says you can't open the program that way, files (*.exe) with Excel. Any ideas on is an invalid path. Http://officearticles.com/misc/best_install_procedures_for_microsoft_office.htm
Also, I would highly recommend you completely uninstall all Premium Home Edition. I bet your registry doesn't unknown exe file you're talking about, sounds like the file may have been corrupted.

For that deep cleaning, take a look at this program with an .exe extension. What is I have an Excel 2003 spreadsheet.that I missing something here. Then I have a Home and Stud...

Excel hyperlink function not working video

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????) repair utility.

(2) Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003????

(3) Excel 2003 - Multiple Excel Open

(4) Excel and Multiple Hyperlinks

(5) Excel 2003 - Hyperlinks disapearing

Note: The manual fix of Open Multiple Hyperlinks at once in Excel 2003???? error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.