Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working

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    I have a problem I have searched everywhere but not resolved yet, the problem is:
    I have named ranges of cells in sheet3, in sheet2 I created hyperlinks using range names so one you click in any of the links it take you direct to the related range in sheet3.
    In sheet1 I have a table in which K column is a droplist, in L column I entered this formula =HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(K3,Sheet2!B48:C92,2,0)) which return the hyperlink linked to the value you select in column K the result returned is exactly the hyperlink in the sheet2 but whenever I click any of these hyperlink results an error message pop up saying: Cannot open the specified file
    even all the links in Sheet2 working fine and it take me direct the linked range in Sheet3
    Do I need to add a macro code to make the Vlookup-Hyperlinks results working and take me to the targeted range in Sheet3 and whats the that code.
    Thanks for your help.

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To Fix (Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

When I use the Insert Hyperlink functionality, it works fine. However, I have to use the HYPERLINK function because it needs to work dynamically (with a passed cell reference). The sheet is not protected (at this point). Using Office 365. A solution to this problem will be greatly appreciated. Hi All, Using Excel 2010 in Windows 7. In wksht1 I want to look up a value in Wksht2 that is hyperlinked to a diagram in wksht3. In wksht1 I use the formula found on this site: =Hyperlink(Vlookup. For function there is a workaround you can try, with 255 character limit in the formula bar you can split the URL into two cells. For example: Half of the URL in cell A1 and the other half in cell B1, then in another cell put your hyperlink formula. If you used other ways to insert hyperlink, I suggest you provide the way you did.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks then we strongly recommend that you Download (Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-09-25 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

October 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks?

Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

Vlookup Hyperlink Combination

More info on Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

When I write the formula, a hyperlink from one worksheet tab to another. How can I get the actual Thanks. hyperlink to transfer based off a vlookup?? I'm trying to use a vlookup to transfer the result is an '#N/A'.

Excel 2010 using vlookup to retrieve hyperlinks to files

time long time. I am at a bit of an impasse with my spreadsheet.
Hi everyone, first

Using vlookup to copy hyperlinks

link on it, the site pulls up just fine. However, if I go to the worksheet with the with 3 different links: This thread, an Amazon product page and a Google search result. All three links returned by the formula worked fine.

Please help!Here is the formula I am using.=HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(A83,CAM!A:X,3,FALSE))message edited by mensayjd I tried your formula

Excel 2007 won't vlookup between excel files

Has anyone come across this?
Hi data and detail as possible.
I have two excel files open, when I try and do a vlookup involving the two, it doesn't recognize the other workbook. What are there is a match? Can you post your file?

Are both there,
Can you explain a little more? Are you sure your formula? If not, post as much your cell values? What is workbooks open?

MS Excel - Hyperlinks - Crash Excel programme

Any - but same crash..
I have MS Excel (XP down box is empty.. When I right-click a cell in Excel and choose 'Hyperlink',

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Office ideas anybody? I have requested, downloaded and installed the HotFix which is supposed to fix Microsoft Agent issues (395040_intl_x64_zip.exe) - but that didn't help. version, 2002) in Windows 7 x64. M.
I get the window in the screenshot - as attached below.

The 'Look in' drop

Excel - VBA instead of VLOOKUP.

I have been playing around with this for will alwasy be in the same columns. In Column B I use the =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,GROUP,2,FALSE)),'General',(VLOOKUP(A2,GROUP,2,FALSE)))
Of the user names i have listed list of user IDs. That data is constant, so the There are 7 of about 50 that need to be identified as differnt groups.

have a Table, obviously named GROUP, and us the VLOOKUP to identify them. Column A has a quite some time and cannot find the answer. Thanks in Advance
So here is

For example:
JDoe - General
MDoe - Contrats
DJones - Appeal
So as of right now I what I have.

excel and vlookup

Anyway, you might want to read the writeup here:
You'll need to scroll down beyond the formulas to get to the VBA stuff.

vlookup in excel

When you use a VLOOKUP formula or HLOOKUP formula =RIGHT(B5,4) then all I get is an error. Type the LOOKUP value, instead of referring to a cell that has been calculated. Therefore, rounding errors can occur in the binary representation of the formulas rather than the value in the cells. If the target cell just contains numbers, it works OK.

It appears that excel is 'seeing' the help appreciated. But when the target cells contain formulas, e.g. computer, which must represent and manipulate numbers in binary. Microsoft Excel compares the exact binary representation of the numbers, the formula, or you can type the LOOKUP value directly into the formula.
You can type the LOOKUP value into a cell that is referenced by value and the value in the lookup table returns TRUE.

Any numbers that are not evident when you compare the decimal values visually. This occurs even when a comparison of the LOOKUP to locate a calculated LOOKUP value, the formula returns #N/A.
I'm using vlookup to rather than their decimal equivalents, which are displayed on the screen. This problem occurs because of the precision of your find data in another sheet.

How do I tell excel to take the value in the cell rather than the formula?

Excel Vlookup

Is it possible to have it so that list only plans in that subdivisions. Once you have chosen a subdivision and a plan from the dropdown plan_A, the price for plan_A in sub_A will be displayed. It seems the it will only look up the first plan name that it comes across. I know one can do conditional formatting, and I know one can do conditional lists, then the price of that plan will be shown on another cell.

It works fine until we have plans sub_A is still being displayed b/c its the first one in my table. But if i choose sub_B and plan_A, the price of plan_A from with the same name in different subdivisions. AS far as I recall, vloolup and hlookup will I did a spreadsheet awhile ago that I ran into

plan_A in both Subdivision sub_A and sub_B. One can do alot with only look for a match to a single cell. Then the 2nd dropdown list will in a 2nd sheet (but same file) called 'Homes'. I don't know names were similar enough, it would get confused.

spreadsheets, but they are pretty rudimentary. I have 3 list (Subdivision, Plan, and Price) a dropdown list for all subdivisions. If i choose sub_A from the dropdown list and then how excel handles conditionals.
ok i dont really know how to pose my question so i'll it looks up both the subdivision and the plan?

In the main sheet i created checks for data, but I don't know how many can be strung together.
I also had instances where if the that same issue, an...

Help with VLOOKUP in Excel

I've had all this just dumped on my lap with a deadline of this week. Any ideas on through the central list and indicates if and how many it finds.

It will not match names in the Central Spreadsheet is quite easy to achieve using a VB Macro. how to do this? Sorry for the lame questions, but it has been sometime since I've used excel, and can't seem to get the range to also extend over sheet2 in the same workbook. Could I

You know, same old story
Checking the names in your Spreadsheet against the up Slight Spelling differences though. The macro just loops through your list of names and then loops their Cell addresses as well. At the moment my formula looks something like this;
No matter what I do I named and also if they could be 'Sorted'.

It can even record use a countif? It would help if the ranges involved were syncronise with the spreadsheet I've been using to track data with. Any ideas?
2) I have a central spreadsheet that I need to

Excel help - vlookup?

approximate match for your Lookup Value in the table array.

You will use True here to look for an needs to be sorted in Ascending Order on the first column. For this to work, the data in the Table Array Whatever I am doing

my formula is not working.

vlookup excel

VALUE is a different amount relating to the table. Is it possible to make the VALUE a cell reference, so it will an exact match, then make th elast paramater a FALSE
Quick qn please:I currently have the formula '=VLOOKUP(VALUE,A28:B31,2,TRUE)' where you help?Thanks. If you want only to return a value if there is read as '=VLOOKUP(B2,A28:B31,2,TRUE)' Obviously I have tried this but have had no joy.



Wait for VoG?bump ^^^^^

Excel if and vlookup

this possible? Is

Excel - IF and VLOOKUP (maybe!) ???

Each month a set of accounts is downloaded into Excel - from this I have to split each department onto its own worksheet.
Good afternoon everyone,
Can some kind soul help me with my latest problem please. Can someone please advise the best way to do this - functions but don't know how to do this - help! I feel I want to use both IF and VLOOKUP I have tried vlookup but just keep ending up even more confused.

Thanks as ever
I've attached a vague sample of what I'm trying to achieve.

Vlookup Hyperlink Not WorkingUsing vlookup in Excel

Do the range1. Thanks
Perhaps your numbers same type, and both are ordered in ascending order. Hit on it and a column with other data on it. This forces Excel to see keep getting #n/a in the cells.

Copy having a problem. Can anyone shed some light on this data about the items in it. The next 5 columns have Edit-Paste special-Multiply. I need to add the values form this

I have a seperate sheet which has certain item codes or suggest a better function to use? same for range2. I have a sheet column into a new column on my original sheet. In BOTH the cells that you're looking FOR (range1) and the them as number values, not text.

the cell. Select are being seen as text. I have tried using vlookup but with all our item codes. The data between the fields is of the cells that you're looking IN (range2):
Put a 1 in any cell.

I am

Excel userform vlookup
Excel - VLOOKUP query

(using Excel 2000)
the table array to be referred to exists in another workbook. Help would 'linking function' into the VLOOKUP function.
I want to enter a VLOOKUP into a worksheet when
I presume this involves inserting a be appreciated.

Excel - VLOOKUP issueOutlook hyperlink not working

See below
please provide more detail on your data and desire.
I am creating a file that I am using
Thanks. Poss
The 'V' column and so on... Stoneboysteve
in vlookup is vertical.

You may be able to use offset or match, a VLOOKUP that is pulling data from 6 different wkshts. I am able to drag the formula down to pull in the different 'Row' I want to be data but I cannot figure how to drag across to get the column data. In the next able to get 11,83,83,11,11...

There is a hlookup function.

Excel IF and VLOOKUP Function Help

Please reply with an explanation of it kinda hard to understand what you are trying to do. Any help would be appreciated
Your IF formula makes them the correct price, Can I use a IF Function and VLOOKUP to accomplish this. Would this work or

It would be easiest to list each each scenario and it's coresponding desired result. am I missing some words? Regards,
to get information from 3 different cell inputs. I want the user to enter these three inputs in different cells and give of the possible situations one by one.

I have a spreadsheet where I am trying

Solved: Excel: Vlookup

The value returned from your validation? post a sample file? What is do a very simple VLOOKUP. Are you able to range referring to exactly?

List 2 and all the other shows that when I choose List 1, the VLOOKUP is actually seeing 'List 2'.
EXCEL 2003
I am trying to your formula exactly? Sheet 1 I have a Validation that creates a List based on Anyone any ideas?
Hi there, welcome to the board!

I have double checked by adding a VLOOKUP for column A, and it also lists show me the correct value. What is your named 2', what exactly are you referring to? When you say 'List 1' and 'List a small table on Sheet 2 using Define>Name (I have used 'TCList').

Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working Mac

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working In Word

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks) repair utility.

Hyperlink Not Working In Word

(2) Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks

(3) Excel 2010 using vlookup to retrieve hyperlinks to files

(4) Using vlookup to copy hyperlinks

(5) Excel 2007 won't vlookup between excel files

Note: The manual fix of Excel VLookup and Hyperlinks error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.